Politics Makes it Possible …. Women Make it Work

Backing the Blue Baskets

Supporting Our Community

Azalea City Republican Women meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm.


 To become a member, simply complete a membership form which states you fully support the Republican Party and, of course, pay dues which are $50 annually.

Associate Members are also welcome to join our organization.  These are ones affiliated with other Republican Ladies’ organizations or spouses of our regular members.  Dues are $35 annually.

Azalea City Republican Women Receive Awards

At the 2021 Alabama Federation of Republican Women’s Biennial Convention, ACRW was presented the “Diamond Award” which is the highest award an organization can receive from the National Federation.  ACRW also received the Legislative Days Award for “Best Overall” and the Mary Ellen Miller Award for “Most Outstanding Club”.

Legislative Days 2023

Legislative Days -2023

Recent Community Projects


  • Provided snack baskets for Mobile’s 6 Police Precincts
  • Provided snack baskets for Mobile’s Sheriff’s offices
  • Hosted blood drives
  • Supported McKemie Place, Women’s Resource Center & Penelope House
  • Provided items to hurricane victims in sister states
  • Provided books for school libraries
  • Hosted large flag waving along Airport Blvd. during Trump campaign
  • Volunteered in Florida for President Trump…The Mighty Alabama Strike Force
  • Campaigned for Republican candidates
  • Made hundreds of masks
  • Provided meals for first responders
  • Provided gifts for shut-ins at Christmas
  • Hosted “A Night to Celebrate Veterans” with over 200 attendees
  • Hosted Veteran’s Quilt of Valor event with 150 attendees
  • Participated in Veteran’s Day Parade and Mayor’s Veterans Luncheon
  • Hosted functions with USA’s College Republicans
  • Hosted forums for candidates
Registering supporters