- COMMUNITY PROJECTS COMMITTEE: Explores and initiates goodwill community projects throughout Mobile. This committee often interfaces with non-profit partners and others in the faith-based community to accomplish opportunities of kindness and caring. (10-12 members*)
- HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE: Here you will find the friendliest and sweetest smiles. Serving as greeters and ushers at our monthly meeting; these women have a warm welcome for all our visitors, guest, and members. (No member limit and can serve at any time:)
- LITERACY COMMITTEE: ACRW is committed to fostering Americanism by promoting literacy in our community. We do that in a myriad of ways including book drives, reading programs and essay projects. (4-6 members)
- PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Suggestions are solicited from members and reviewed by the Executive Board for approval. (President and 1st Vice President)
- CARING FOR AMERICA: One large special project per year or four quarterly projects. (6-8 members)
- LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: The information source for ACRW legislative priorities. Provides links to information and calls to action on important state legislation. Updates members via online portal and newsletter. (4 members)
- MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Creates opportunities for organizational growth, member appreciation, and development. (2nd Vice-President Chair with 6-8 member)
- AMERICANISM / SPECIAL EVENTS: Creates opportunities of support for our flag, patriotism, active military, and veterans’ recognition. (No member limit)
- PUBLIC RELATIONS: Assist Executive Board with newsletter and content across all social media platforms. Creates press releases and interfaces with local media as needed. (4 members)
- BUDGET FINANCE / FUNDING: Prepares an annual budget and monthly financial reports. (Treasurer Chair, Secretary Co-Chair w/2 members to work on annual fundraiser)
Do you want to join a committee?